Community Involvement
Making our communities a better place to live, work and visit.
We’re Involved In Our Communities
Westhaven Property Management is connected to our communities. We acknowledge that our services affect the reputation of our communities and the quality of life our tenants experience.
We are happy to support our communities and make them a better place to live, work and visit. Below are a few of the community organizations we support.
Weston Community Coalition
The Weston Community Coalition is a grass roots, non-partisan organization comprised of a voluntary group of residents, business owners, and representatives from community associations, schools and faith groups. The group was formed in 2005 to protect the Weston community from the threat of a privately run Air Rail Link but is also actively involved in seeking the betterment of the greater Weston area through other initiatives.
The Weston Village BIA
A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of businesses within a geographical area, who join together, with the official approval of the City, to promote and stimulate the local economy.
A BIA is managed by a volunteer board which is comprised of property owners, business owners and usually the local member of council. The board's initiatives are funded by a special tax or levy charged to all the property owners in its catchment area...
The Mount Dennis BIA
Established in 1974, the Mount Dennis BIA is located along Weston Rd., running north and south of the main intersection at Eglinton Avenue West – from Ray Avenue in the north to Lambton Avenue in the south. Located west of Black Creek Drive and the future home of the new York Community Centre (designed by award-winning firm of Perkins + Will Architects), Mt. Dennis is east of Jane Street and just minutes from the 401/400 highways. The area offers an exotic array of eclectic restaurants, cafes, shopping and services and is easily accessible via 24-hour public transportation.
Fairbank BIA
Since 2007, the Fairbank Village BIA has been committed to making the neighbourhood a more welcoming and successful place to live and do business. In just a few years, the BIA has attracted new business, beautified the area, and created family-friendly events to bring the neighbourhood together.
Fairbank Village is a diverse community in the area along Eglinton Avenue West from Dufferin to Chamberlain, and from Hunter Avenue just South of Eglinton up to the Railway just North of Schell Avenue.